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Complex object. sentences for translation
LIsДата: Понедельник, 19.03.2012, 09:02 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 721
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Translate the sentences using Complex Object:
1. Пеготти знала, что мистер Мердстон жестокий человек.
2. Она не хотела, чтобы миссис Коперфильд выходила зс него замуж (to marry somebody)
3.Мистер Мердстон заставил жену повиноваться (to obey somebody)ему во всем
4МистерМердстон и его сестра считали Давида ленивым и упрямым мальчиком.
5.Давид проснулся, потому что услышал, что кто-то зовет его шепотом.
6.Мистер Мердстон не хотел, чтобы Давид жил дома.
7. Пеготти видела, что миссис Коперфильд несчастна. но ничего не могла сделать, чтобы помочь ей.
8.Мисс Бетси увидела, что в сад вошел грязный оборванный мальчик. (ragged)
9.Мисс Бетси чувствовала, что Давид говорит правду.
10. Мистер Мердстон хотел, чтобы Миссис Коперфильд отдала Давида в школу

DimokДата: Среда, 21.03.2012, 20:49 | Сообщение # 2
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Peggi know,Mr.Merdston cruel man.
She didn"t would like,MrsCopperfield to married him.
Mr.Merdston to obey his wife to him at all.
Mr.Merdston and his sister to considered David lazy and stubborn boy
David woked up becaus heard somebody calls him in a whisper
Mr.Merdston didn"t would like,David live at home
Peggi saw,MrsCopperfield is unfortunate.But could make nothing to help.
Betsy saw dirty ragged boy entered in the garden
Betsy felt David tells the truth
Mr.Merdston want MrsCopperfield sent David to school
f1keДата: Среда, 21.03.2012, 21:03 | Сообщение # 3
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Peggoti know Mr Merdson is cruel man
She didn't want Mrs Coperfield go to merry somebody
Mr Merdson to obey somebody him in all
Mr Merdson and him sister considered David is lazy and opinionated
Mr Merdson didn't want David live in home
Peggoti saw Mrs Coperfield is unhappy,but couldn't do anything to help her
Mrs Betsy saw a dirty ragged boy came into the garden
Mrs Betsy felt David told true
Mr Merdson want Mrs Coperfield gave David to school

Сообщение отредактировал f1ke - Среда, 21.03.2012, 21:25
LIsДата: Среда, 21.03.2012, 21:59 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 721
Репутация: 4
Статус: Offline
my dear guys, you have forgotten about Complex Object at all. Look in the rule and try to correct
DiVeДата: Четверг, 22.03.2012, 08:16 | Сообщение # 5
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 6
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Статус: Offline
Peggi know,Mr.Merdston a cruel man.
She didn"t would like,MrsCopperfield to married him.
Mr Merdson to obey somebody him in all.
Mr.Merdston and his sister to considered David is lazy and stubborn boy.
David got up because heard somebody calls him in a whisper.
Mr.Merdston didn"t would like,David to live at home.
Peggi saw,MrsCopperfield is unfortunate.But could make nothing to help.
Mrs Betsy saw a dirty ragged boy came into the garden.
Mrs Betsy felt David to tell true.
Mr Merdson want Mrs Coperfield gave David to school.

miskazUUДата: Воскресенье, 15.04.2012, 11:59 | Сообщение # 6
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 18
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Статус: Offline
1.Peggi knew Mr.Merdston to be a cruel man.
2.She didn't want Mrs.Copperfield to marry him.
3.Mr.Merdstone made his wife obey him in everything.
4.Mr.Merdstone and his sister considered David to be a lazy and stubborn boy.
5.David woke up because he heard somebody call him in a whisper.
6.Mr.Merdstone didn't want David to live at home.
7.Peggi saw Mrs.Copperfield be unhappy,but she couldn't do anything to help her.
8.Mrs.Betsy saw a dirty ragged boy come into the garden.
9.Mrs.Betsy felt David tell the truth.
10.Mr.Merdstone wanted Mrs.Copperfield to send David to school.
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