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Essays of our Foreign friend


Have you ever wondered about the magic of winter and what it has to teach us about the mysteries 

of life?  I gaze out the window to see a fresh blanket of silver snow glistened by the light of a full moon  

and contemplate its message.  In the silence of the night, winter speaks to me of words that  

help me appreciate the wonder and beauty of nature.    What do they say?  What can they teach me? 

What message do they want me to hear? 

Listen closely and you will hear the gentle sound of a slumbering world. 

A world that is asleep and   dreaming of things to come. 

All of nature abides by the rule of winter.  It is time to rest, restore energy,  

create dreams and visions of future endeavors.  Listen to the winds as they sing their songs of gentle  

persuasion.  All the animals are quiet and subdued and attend only to the basic needs of survival.  They  

hibernate, and dream of the dawn of new life when the would once again will explode to life like the  

music of an orchestra in its final notes of victory. 

I listen to the wind and see the shadows and the glitter of the snow and realize that I too must slow  

down, take time to be reborn , and prepare myself for the coming of a new day, a new season, a new life  

and an opportunity to make my many dreams come true.

Category: My articles | Added by: LIs (09.01.2012)
Views: 533 | Comments: 4 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 4
4 Sasha  
wacko wacko wacko wacko wacko wacko wacko wacko wacko wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink

3 Sasha  
sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad

2 kitten  

1 LIs  
A wonderful magic time! Right you are! It is like a wonderful dream before a wakening up in a new fresh green season which was prepared to be appreciated as a breath.

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