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Essays of Our Foreign Friend



   Christmas is a time for children and I couldn't help but think about the scripture passage "unless we are like children, we will not enter the kingdom of heaven". What makes children so special that they shouldn't merit such stature and praise? I thought about that question and it came to me that children display four things that stand out as the foundation for success.

   The first is curiosity. Children are by their very nature curious. Kids ask a million questions. You think they are through and they have a million more. A Child's curiosity is what helps them reach , learn and  grow and develop.

The second is children are excited. Children are so excited they hate to go to bed at night. They can't wait to get up in the next morning. I believe if you are too old to be excited you are too old.

The third is faith. faith is childish. Adults often have a tendency to be over skeptical. Some adults even have a tendency to be cynical. 

The fourth is trust. have you heard the term "sleep like a baby"? Childish trust. After they have done their very best for the day  they leave the rest in someone else's hands.

If we keep these for childish traits through adulthood, we too may someday secure that heavenly kingdom. It was Ralph Emerson who said: "Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not."

Category: My articles | Added by: LIs (09.01.2012)
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