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British public schools. Eaton
LIsДата: Среда, 01.02.2012, 22:30 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Администраторы
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Have a look at one of the best public schools in the world - Eaton college.
And listen to the explanation what public school is



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dreamДата: Воскресенье, 05.02.2012, 10:56 | Сообщение # 2
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British private schools are very expensive. such schools in the UK very much. Each school has a school uniform. as each school its own coat of arms, but the most interesting in these schools, all children go to the tie and each school has its own color scheme. applause

yes, Dream, they are really expensive but the level of education is much higher. I think nobody would ever refuse to study at such school. All graduates help each other in life, they make so-called students' society. Such friends are friends for ever.
Have you seen the video about other public schools?
Sorry, but mind your grammar, please. Say: all students wear ties

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miskazUUДата: Четверг, 17.05.2012, 15:17 | Сообщение # 3
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The schools such as Eaton,Harrow,Rugby and Winchester,are famous for their ability to lay foundation of a successful future by giving their pupils self-confidence,a good academic background and the right friends and contacts.The fees in such schools are high and only rich families can afford to pay so much.Public schools educate the ruling class of England.The education in these schools is of a high qualitym,the discipline is very strict.Public schools are attended by 5% of Britain's schoolchildren.Although these schools are called public,actually they are private.
ADclanДата: Четверг, 17.05.2012, 16:14 | Сообщение # 4
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I'd like to tell you some words about Rugby School,one of the best known public shools in Britain.It is in Warwickshire<in the heart of the English Midlans.It was founded in 1567 and aims to provide its pupils with the highest standard of education.This school is fee-paying.The pupils start to learn here at the age of 11.One of the interesting things about this school is the mixture of what is old and what is new.If you walk aroound the school and kook at the buildings,you get the sense of families and a feeling of tradition.But at the same time it's a very innovative school.Pupils live in the dormitory here.Pupils study various languages:Russian,German,Latin.There are mano facilities in the school.
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